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In the Book of Hebrews we are given examples of Saints whose lives provide a "cloud of witnesses" that surround us and encourage us to keep going in life. In addition to giving me that "cloud" of great men and women of the Bible, God has given me my very own cast of spiritual characters in the story of my life. My  "cloud" has been enormous and I have been blessed to have lived a life that has been covered in prayer by many Godly people, mostly women. Whatever the season, need or place God has been so faithful in sending into my life the angel I needed for that time. I honor all of these women and the scores of other unnamed women like them who don't always receive acc0lades for who they are and what they do. They quietly go about their lives working diligently in their Churches, serving others, teaching, mentoring, praying, doing ministry outreach and sharing the Gospel. These are the people that God sends into your life to help show you the way.

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